Friday, 9 May 2014

Something for boredom

Kids get bored when it rains? ;)

Referring to the weather, because we have a raining spring time (but it looks like an autumn sometimes), I would like to write some words about forgotten, old but ravines board games, which are perfect for the weather like this! (when it pours)

For many of us the board games are synonym of childhood and fun. They are very fulfill as time pleasant while it's raining or when we are sick. For example me, I remember that I have been playing some games for hours! I call up winter evenings and rainy days with my sister, or with my parents or grand-parents, and then with my colleagues and friends. These are a wonderful and warm memories.

I keep in mind some games as for example monopoly, China-man, ladder (the board was made by my grand-parents!!!), farmer, scrabble, mole, and other educational games, or polygraph during meetings with friends, which was at that time a social and convivial games for young teenagers. Now I don't play as in the past.

We could say that it's because of the Internet and television which are now the substitutes of the board games. Maybe there is a grain of the truth but even if we live in the age of the Internet and computer games, I have noticed recently that board games are returning to grace. And very good! Next to the shops for kids we have others with board games only. Some of them or .... cinemas (I recommend CafĂ© Kino in Bydgoszcz) propose the evenings, even nights of board games! It would seem that there is no eagers to play, but except the elders persons and seniors they gather together also the young people with friends and whole families.  I think it's a nice change and good alternative for the TV family reunions.
In the store, or in the house. The choice of these games is really wide and include the average of the age and topics. From the classics, by some news, educational , re-creative and amusing games. Have you been playing some? Do you practice it now? If yes, which board games do you remember, which one you can recommend? Please, share!

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