Saturday, 31 May 2014

Flowers Fruits and Bees ❤♥♥ a step away from tragedy

As Einstein said, without them we could survive just 4 years. They pollinate 80% of the plants, but every year 25% bees families (where maximum ceiling is 10%) are dying. In Poland 40 thousands of beekeepers have about a million bee colonies.
Older bee masters have noted that bee families are fewer than 15-20 years ago and, what's more frightening, less active, so they pollinate less plants as normally.  Destruction of bees is a drama. Not only for owners of hives but also for growers, notes beekeeper,  a member of the Association of Professional Beekeepers in Poland.
It is estimated that the loss of colonies in some areas of Poland reach annually 30 percent. The massive plague of bees in Poland is not as visible as in the U.S., where in some areas fell 90 percent of colonies.
The numbers are frightful.

After this introduction let's start from the beginning. Initially it was to be a post about my strawberries, in my garden. But, in the most of the cases my plans change as quickly as they appear, so it will be a post about bees, indispensable element in creation of our food. Unfortunately, endangered element.

I don't know if people are aware of the fact that food doesn't come from anywhere or directly from the market. Before collect it, plantators must break up them, breed and sow. When they're growing, most part of them must be pollinate. But the problem is that there is less insects who can do that. I'm talking here in particular about bees.

As I am interested in ecology and I like to garden (particularly when the fruit season is coming!) I am afraid about my strawberries which were blooming but the weather was so changeable. I was worried that there won't be the bees or other insects to pollinate strawberries.

Then, I thought about all bees who, as we know or not, are in danger because they are deliberately or unintentionally killed. I wrote unintentionally because sometimes we kill bees thinking that they are other insects as bumblebee potentially known as dangerous for our health.
Deliberately, because even if farmers or breeders are conscious of the problem of bees, they use sprays and fertilizers who kill them. The truth is already well known but plantations owners still use pesticides to theirs harvests. This is a system who obligate them to that, in order to have big and free from insects harvests.
All fertilizers are killing unwanted insects but they also kill those who should still be alive.

Bees qualifying their job are killed and have a lots of enemy's- fertilizers, pesticides, electromagnetic field, people, climate changes. Fortunately, polish hives and other from Europe will be under the magnifying glass of European Union.
The European Commission has promised to investigate the mysterious disease of bees, which have for years worried their breeders. Their disappearance may cause hunger in the world, even larger than now it is. Because these insects pollinate the majority of plants in the world, the consequences of their extinction would be a disaster. The results of EU officials over the bees will not be known in a year.
Consciously or not, please be aware of the problem and do not kill bees just because one fly above your head!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

take a look and smile- CAT EYES

From view of the cat when it rains

I must admit that I took a fancy to write this blog. Especially while it's raining. Maybe that's why I add second post.

I am happy owner of 3 cats, which I love to observe during the rainy weather. They are jumping up on windowsill and they observe what's happening outside, in the specific, only way for them, so special, comical sometimes, amusing, funny and charming way : )
Just take a look on this funnies cats faces in the rain ;)
Only, or specially, for lovers of cats, to trigger a smile...
Look what I found, maybe it will give you a little bit of laugh during this drastic, cold and cloudy change of the weather : )

It's so fascinating.....

Maybe it tastes better

No it doesn't.


What a drag

What are you doing man??!

Is he mad?? 


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Sacrifice of People- in other words- FAMILY

Last time by occasion of Mother's Day and little before, I was thinking intensively about sacrifice, not mothers only, but parents, or grand parents in general.

During babysitting of two small french girls I realized that If we want to raise up our kids in the best way as we can, we must make a HUGE effort.
And sacrifice.While I was watching their parents sitting near them and playing (when they were exhausted too, but happy to be there) I was feeling some kind of admiration, fear and little of jealousy.

Admiration because they were so brave and so dedicated to do this. Every time I was entering home like enchanted when one of the parents was next to this children and teaching them, reading story's or helping with homework's or just simply playing.

I was afraid because when I thought " From where comes this abandoned, aggressive kids? Is there somewhere on this planet more parents who takes so much care of their children like they do? God, I hope they are still some..." I want to believe that yes, that they take this responsibility and that they are trying.

Jealousy, because.... Dear, will I be able to do something similar with my children if I will have ones?

And then, when this everything passes away and the children are adults, when their parents became like them when they were small, what They have? How they feel when they look back?
What are their relations with their children? Do they have a contact with their grandchildren? What and how they feel?

I hope that they can say that they brang up their children as well as well as they were able to. That they can count on kids like them could count on them when they were children.

Summarizing, if you live on the edge with your family, your parents especially, think how much you owe to them. If you are a parent, think again if you were and are you doing all the best?

Do not forget about this how important role is to be a parent. The most important of all, of which depends the fate of generations.

Thank you parents who strive.
Thank you mummy, thank you daddy.
For everything.
there are no words which would gladly give thankfulness

Friday, 9 May 2014

Something for boredom

Kids get bored when it rains? ;)

Referring to the weather, because we have a raining spring time (but it looks like an autumn sometimes), I would like to write some words about forgotten, old but ravines board games, which are perfect for the weather like this! (when it pours)

For many of us the board games are synonym of childhood and fun. They are very fulfill as time pleasant while it's raining or when we are sick. For example me, I remember that I have been playing some games for hours! I call up winter evenings and rainy days with my sister, or with my parents or grand-parents, and then with my colleagues and friends. These are a wonderful and warm memories.

I keep in mind some games as for example monopoly, China-man, ladder (the board was made by my grand-parents!!!), farmer, scrabble, mole, and other educational games, or polygraph during meetings with friends, which was at that time a social and convivial games for young teenagers. Now I don't play as in the past.

We could say that it's because of the Internet and television which are now the substitutes of the board games. Maybe there is a grain of the truth but even if we live in the age of the Internet and computer games, I have noticed recently that board games are returning to grace. And very good! Next to the shops for kids we have others with board games only. Some of them or .... cinemas (I recommend CafĂ© Kino in Bydgoszcz) propose the evenings, even nights of board games! It would seem that there is no eagers to play, but except the elders persons and seniors they gather together also the young people with friends and whole families.  I think it's a nice change and good alternative for the TV family reunions.
In the store, or in the house. The choice of these games is really wide and include the average of the age and topics. From the classics, by some news, educational , re-creative and amusing games. Have you been playing some? Do you practice it now? If yes, which board games do you remember, which one you can recommend? Please, share!