Older bee masters have noted that bee families are fewer than 15-20 years ago and, what's more frightening, less active, so they pollinate less plants as normally. Destruction of bees is a drama. Not only for owners of hives but also for growers, notes beekeeper, a member of the Association of Professional Beekeepers in Poland.
It is estimated that the loss of colonies in some areas of Poland reach annually 30 percent. The massive plague of bees in Poland is not as visible as in the U.S., where in some areas fell 90 percent of colonies.
The numbers are frightful.
After this introduction let's start from the beginning. Initially it was to be a post about my strawberries, in my garden. But, in the most of the cases my plans change as quickly as they appear, so it will be a post about bees, indispensable element in creation of our food. Unfortunately, endangered element.
I don't know if people are aware of the fact that food doesn't come from anywhere or directly from the market. Before collect it, plantators must break up them, breed and sow. When they're growing, most part of them must be pollinate. But the problem is that there is less insects who can do that. I'm talking here in particular about bees.

Then, I thought about all bees who, as we know or not, are in danger because they are deliberately or unintentionally killed. I wrote unintentionally because sometimes we kill bees thinking that they are other insects as bumblebee potentially known as dangerous for our health.
Deliberately, because even if farmers or breeders are conscious of the problem of bees, they use sprays and fertilizers who kill them. The truth is already well known but plantations owners still use pesticides to theirs harvests. This is a system who obligate them to that, in order to have big and free from insects harvests.
All fertilizers are killing unwanted insects but they also kill those who should still be alive.
Bees qualifying their job are killed and have a lots of enemy's- fertilizers, pesticides, electromagnetic field, people, climate changes. Fortunately, polish hives and other from Europe will be under the magnifying glass of European Union.
The European Commission has promised to investigate the mysterious disease of bees, which have for years worried their breeders. Their disappearance may cause hunger in the world, even larger than now it is. Because these insects pollinate the majority of plants in the world, the consequences of their extinction would be a disaster. The results of EU officials over the bees will not be known in a year.
Consciously or not, please be aware of the problem and do not kill bees just because one fly above your head!