Hi there,
Maybe my post will seem for some slightly childish but I must write this and sum my feelings, in order to stay with clear mind.
Well.. There are many, many coats and many races and characters, but I miss just one, my shiny shaggy friend.
Last week we put our doggy to sleep because of his illness, and old age, but we felt like we killed him.
I am wondering if it was really necessary (can we compare to put the dog to sleep to euthanasia?).
I am curious if dogs have souls and I don't know if I was so kind and devoted to him as he was to me.
Now I know that it's too late, but if I could I would be for him more sensitive, more devoted, would spend more time with him and giving him more my attention during my crazy busy life.
Was I doting? Yes, but not every time while he was always so loyal.
People forget about theirs puppy's in their daily routine. They become some kind of consoling toys when we have worse day and when it's a good one we take them for a walk.This is often the end.
I hope that some of us are aware of this aspect. Dogs need our attention and love every time, every day, like growing kids.
There is the saying "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." We realize, appreciate, love and miss more when someone is gone.
I can't stop thinking that he was always the best and that I can't prolong him his live, even if I found it stupid sometimes but which is natural impulse I think.
People says "Come on, it's just a dog", but nobody will understand me better than someone who was attached to an animal.
He was a part of my family during ten years- my high school, through my studies till know, when I already work.
He was so visible and happy, marking his presence with his size XXL that now, when he's gone I can't sleep because of too much empty space and silence, specially at night.
He was next to my door where I sleep and I heard him barking while he was dreaming, or changing the place to another. I even have been dreamed about him.
For those who don't, wont, or can't believe I will write that dogs can be a friend, like a human.
And he was my guard, my sugar and warm quilt.
I loved him very much, I still miss him and I will think about him for a long time I feel so.
For now, If you have an animal, try to be for them like they are for you, more emotional, affecionate and selfless.
Bye my Honey |