Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter-part 2

Hello everybody!
After Good Saturday, when we usually bring to the church small or big baskets with traditional dishes to sprinkle them with holy water by a priest, we go to the resurrection mass which is celebrated in the evening or early in the morning on Easter Sunday.

The symbol of Easter holiday is very beautiful. As a custom says, the eggs placed in our baskets are a symbol of new life, spring with all her colors, of rebirth and revival of the forces of nature and life itself. Other goodies which we place in our baskets are meats, hams, sausages, Easter Bunny's, Eggs, and Lambs from chocolate, butter or from bread. In a word, we are prepared for the feast at the well decorated table with our families, and we wish ourselves the best and greet each other!

Now it's a Easter Sunday and I will go to eat our Easter breakfast. I saw already Easter eggs, hams, sausages, cuckoo-flower, bunnies and rabbits from chocolate and butter, bread, Easter cake, cheesecake, vegetable salad with mayonnaise etc....  YUMMY!

An interesting curiosity is that the children when they wake up, the are looking some gifts left by an Easter rabbit! It maybe under the beds, somewhere in the house, or even outside, in the garden! The kids have fun looking their presents :)

So, I would like to wish everyone to could to spend this Easter holidays with your closest, in a good moods and lavish, colorful table. Happy Easter everyone!


Remember that tomorrow is a Easter Monday! We wrap each other with water and we beat with the branches from the birch-tree! So if you never been in Poland, stay at home if you don't have to go out and keep your eyes wide open...

No..., it's just a tradition, have a good time!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Easter- part 1

I have stated that I could to write about how I saw in the childhood and how I see now the holiday of Easter and maybe that I will make you closer some traditions which I know.
It's hard to talk today about people faith. I would like to post about, even if I am not able to state unequivocally what is my faith. I think it is individual and personal matter, where is required tolerance and understanding.

Well, to start with the topic we could say that Easter holiday has been started since the first day of the Lent.
If someone of you is a Christian, all preparations of our souls has been started month ago.
Polish tradition requires a time of recollection, religious rites and lavish, colorful and well decorated table.
Let's start from the beginning.

After Sunday Palm, recolletions and confessions it comes a great Tuesday, as the souvenir and commemoration of the last Supper, and  two sacraments- the Priesthood and the Eucharist.

People go to the church for the mass to the church and they pray, preparing themeselves in this way for Paschal Triduum.
During the mass the priest washes feet of 12 men, chosen before. That is how I remembered the beginning of Easter as a small child and I remained warm memories and photos of whole family.
I think that even if you don't practice, it's a good sort of meditation and thoughts about our lives, sacrifice, good and evil. It's also time for the rest in a family gathering.

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Then, on Friday similar. Before people go to Way of the Cross, they are kissing a small figure of crucified Jesus, which I found quite dangerous, unsanitary and exaggerated. I remember have never been liking this and it has been till today.

Believers or not, curious lost, people goes the church to participate at Way of the Cross, which I think is a great idea to try to play following the story of sacrifice of Jesus with costumes and small stories on every station, ending on the crucifixion. I can say that we had a great priest, not only as a priest but as a man as well, who was able to introduce a magical atmosphere and some sort of meditation. These commemorations was thrilling and scarifying at the same time.

Improve your concentration- about coffee

Do you know maybe how can I improve my concentration at work, at home, studying, working, doing something important? 
I will be happy to get to know how can I do it profitably and efficiently. 
I'll write what I usually do, but I ask you to tell me what methods do you use, prefer?

Like this? Meditation?
Drinking some coffee?
Or cup of tea? 

Or maybe you massage your temples? 

For example, when I'm trying to concentrate on something, first I must to ensure the biological needs and be rested. If not, well.... There are some ways to wake up and improve our concentration.

I must to be fed state too and have some water and sometimes chewing gum next to me.
Well seated on the chair I can get to work. When I start to feel tired I do some breaks or some exercises. I like also take break as walking around with my dog for example.

I know that many of us drink coffee to wake up but it's not the best idea. Coffee raise our blood pressure in a violent way and after a temporary surge of energy I fell horrible sleepy and it starts over.
Of course, people appreciate coffee for the taste, but the truth scientifically proven is that coffee leaches the valuable elements from organism. So, maybe limit to one cup a day, just for flavor if you like, or for the boost of energy ;)

As a substitute you can try a tea, which works gradually, in opposite to coffee. I propose you green tea or others, because black tea has similar ingredients as coffee.

What do you prefer to drink? Coffee, tea? Or maybe some fresh juice? Any sport activities? Or maybe sleep?

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Product compositionssss....

Hi everybody!

Have you ever wondered about composition of the products? Cosmetics, food, cleaning products?
Do you pay attention to the chemical composition of what you use or eat? 

That's why I would like to write you something about compositions of the products, which I found definitely too long and dangerous for human beings in general. I might add that this is not just mine opinion. 
Today I would like to focus on the cosmetics.
From some time I became interested in, not only cosmetics but also about food and cleaning products components. 

Find me a woman who don't like take care of herself. Some lotions here, some spread for the cheeks there... 

Nowadays, we can find in the markets a huge, wide palette of cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, facial or not, all types of gels, make-up removers, mascaras, etc.... 
The vast majority of theme included components which harm the health and body's hormones level, irritating at the same time our skin and mucous membranes and all the rest....  Every year appears more and more....

Business is business ladies. And it doesn't to make us healthier and more beautiful. 
Very often, unfortunately, we don't think about what we buy. We are under pressure, we are in a hurry... We don't read the composition because it's too long, to small letters... We believe in publicity with a beautiful models or others... Do you read them? Or not? 
If not, if we are trying to buy some good, expensive products, very often we believe immediately the brand, thinking that if it's a costly expense it must be good and efficient. 
Nothing more wrong. Sometimes some product more cheaper have better components than those expensive one! I really invite you to read, and to do not believe the images on the front of the products!

More, you can do some cosmetics yourself. Only what you need is to look for. The Internet is a mine of different knowledge and you can search some specialist, pharmacists opinions, or recipes of natural, home made cosmetics, often cheaper than in the store.

Here you can find the entire lists in the Internet if you are interested in this topic with opinions of dermatologists, doctor's and chemists. Here, I include some polish versions of links:

Take care of yourself consciously!


It's not longer just about your health, but about environement too.

Have you ever thought how substances from various products have an impact on territory where you live? On the atmosphere, background, conditions of the water, conditions of live of the plants, animals and ourselves?

Please, think, and let try to be a conscious consumer.

For your own good and for the good of others, and the planet.

Thank you for your attention

Friday, 11 April 2014

about politics?

We're writing about fit style but people forgot about liberty and what's going on in media
and in Ukraine.

I could say it was a title for the post which I wanted to write one month ago, I don't remeber the impuls that pushed me to thoughts like this.

Then, I'd like to write something about 1st april, but the only funny, or more, pleasently thing what happened was a joyful news that my colleague is pregnant. And it wasn't a joke! Trully!

Today I can say that I have something to add to the topic of politics and Smolensk disaster. 

The best thing today was that I went to swim a little bit and then, to sleep. I hope you are ok.

After this hard week I just want to say you...

good night...