Friday, 31 January 2014


Hi everybody! How are you?

I've decided a month ago that I will be posting more often but as you can see with no success.
What can I say about this? I feel really sorry, because it is by lack of time. 

In my spare time I should work for my studies, POSTING, learning english, but more often I am practicing yoga or gym. It's not like I don't like working hard but I prefer to do something what I really like and what will keep me in good health or in good shape. So, I'm dancing or cooking. 

Do you cook too? If yes, what exactly? What do you like?  Do you know maroco/french speciality with  couscous - TABOULEH

If you want, you can share with me some intresting recipes? 

But really my goal is to talk you about plastic and to ask you if you turn your attention about to what you buy and how do you utilize it? How do you dispose of plastic garbage?  
PLEASE watch this trailer and try to take a look at this documentary and tell me about your feelings: 

I recommend it.  

any thoughts?

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Sorry for not posting for a long time... Now it's gonna change, because we have  New Year 2014 and new resolutios! 

After christmas time and New Year's Eve we should be rested, joyful and full of expectations for next year who's raise our's hopes, those big and small. 

Few minutes ago I visited Aurelias blog and I can just say that I agree with her post about being agreeable and kind for other people, specially for our close and intimates...

Sorry that I'm writing all the time about whishes and resolutios, but I consider this time to be perfect to do that. 

People have very diffrent resolves... Nevertheless we hear often about losing weight, spending less money, stopping smoke or drinking, eating healthy, earning more money, doing driving licence, and so one...

But please, do not forget about spirituality, if I can grasp it like that, spiritual things...

It will be great if we could remember to not loose a head, to stop and to think over ours lives, because we have just one lifetime and I wish for everyone to live one's life the best as one can, to not regret (or regret just a small number of acts or the situations where we done nothing) at the end of lifes path and say I would not change anything, I am not ashamed. 

To sum up, 

Best whishes for everyone!

Make a wish!